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Tags: imageless css, ggeoxml icon, nikon coolpix p80 image, css float background image, sparseimage bundle
The editor of the newspaper could declare economic achievement, "rescuing the West from
Poverty ". There were many the major economic and technological achievements, but
Any of them does not remain in the history as a source instant and appreciable
Increases in rates of development, distinguishable from short-term peaks and recessions,
Generated by wars, poor harvests, financial crashes and cycles the business
Activity. The explanation of so steady and long growth should
Structure of the western system of the economy, carrying out continuous search and
Adaptation of the changes favorable for the further growth. Key is
The word is deep, as the mechanism is so hidden that many observers
Considered simply impossible continuation of growth after so long expansion
Manufacture and population multiplication. Last hundred years rate of annual growth
Manufactures it is usually estimated by size in 3 %, and in the majority of kinds
Human activity a such geometrical progression, where everyone
The subsequent member in 1,03 times more previous, usually encounters on
Absolute obstacles also withers much before two hundred repetitions. Already in
The population will very soon encounter absolute obstacles in the form of shortage
Foodstuff. 2 vols
(London: H. M. Dent, Thomas Robert Malthus, Co., An Essay on Population and 1914). The first publication 1798. Century later
At the time of Maltusa. Clearly that if Maltus writing almost 200 years ago,
Could not expect continuous growth of manufacture of a foodstuff, and
The wide list of resources, than Maltus, are not capable to see possibility for
Continuations of growth of the West.
After the First World War has become famous for a prediction of a decline of Zapada Osvald
Spengler 1926-28), The Decline of the West, Oswald Spengler, 2 vols (New York: Knopf. At the time of Spengler any reasonable prophet could not expect,
That the next fifty years the population of the USA almost will double, and GNP size
Per capita (in constant dollars) will increase more than in 2,5 times.
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Business Icon Set. A collection of all-purpose icons with various symbols for the business environment for use with your software or on your website.
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