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Fragments. Drawings at construction were not used. Vessels of Vikings more are found

The early period which have been buried together with owners, but they not Help to understand a design of later courts. Historians have only Images of the ships in pictures of medieval artists, but these

Images, more likely, are symbolical. The only thing that they show for certain,

It is transition from single-masted courts to three-mast. We know also that in XV

Century northern shipbuilders at case building have passed from a covering it

(As did on courts of Vikings), to a covering end-to-end as Romans did, and Continued to do in the Mediterranean. In what particularly would not consist

Improvements of XV century, the certificate of Columbus available for us on, how

Least of its courts Ninja has on the way back sustained the strongest cyclone,

Allows to conclude that the design of courts has essentially improved for The last centuries.

In XV century merchant vessels also have increased in size. Not quite clearly, whether was

Direct communication between increase in the sizes of merchant courts and transition to

To three-mast sailing arms, and also to a covering end-to-end. These Improvements were used and on small courts (like it

- ), and already to Romans the technology of construction of the ships, not was known

Conceding on the size to XVIII-th century courts, and the European shipbuilders till XV century

Were able to build big enough rowing vessels. On the other hand, many maneuvers,

Necessary at mooring in ports, were very difficult for courts with the only thing

Sail. The latest receptions used to rise on an anchor, to act in film with

Anchors to moor at different directions of a wind and waves, often depended from

Presence of sails both on a nose, and on a vessel forage, because at the slow

Movement there was no other way to direct a vessel in that or in other

Direction. So it is necessary to carry to advantages of three-mast courts and them

The best manoeuvrability that is very important for trading courts to which it was necessary

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