Edit Patient-Man Icon
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Tags: olympiakos images, eland image, edit raw image, image home 8053, html mail background image
To reach from an outer side. He is firmly convinced of it.
- But then...
- We will reach it from within.
The grant has frowned and has slowly shaken a head.
- Listen, I do not understand, about what you speak.
- Mr. the Grant, all participants of this project know all
The score, they precisely know that it or it should do.
But you a stranger and to train you - very difficult problem. And still,
If I have to, it is necessary to do it. I am going to
To acquaint you with some theoretical jobs,
Executed in this establishment.
Grant lips have trembled in a venomous smile.
- Excuse, the doctor, but you have just said something
The strange. In college I took priority in football and more on
To girls, though and with much smaller success. Do not torment
Me the theory.
- I saw your track record, Mr. the Grant. And it not
It is absolutely that, to what you try to present it. However I
I do not wish to deprive of you your courage, accusing of the obvious
Intellectuality and erudition even if to consider that we
Alone. I will not torment you the theory, and I will pass you an essence
Problems. I think, you saw our emblem? it?
- Certainly, saw.
- And how you have deciphered it?
- About, I have some assumptions - something like
Associations of the Martian Gone mad Employees. At me was
Something is still better, but it it.
- It means: Incorporated Tiny Forces of Restraint.
- In it there is less than sense, than in my assumption.
- I will explain. Whether you have heard sometime about polemic on
To miniaturization occasion?
- The grant has a little thought.
- I then studied in college. We prosecuted this subjects
To steam of semestre on a physics course.
- Between football matches?
- Yes, it was valid in inter-season period. How much to me
It is remembered, the group of physicists has made the statement that they
Can reduce the sizes of objects in any parity, and it
Looked as mystification. Well, maybe, not as
Mystification, but, anyway, as an error. I remember that
Our group has stated variety of the arguments showing that
It is impossible to reduce the person till the sizes, well, say, mice,
And that it thus remained the person.
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