Patient-Man Info Icon
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Tags: purpose of a web icon, small info icon, icon 7 eye boot, unistall icon, sparkles icons
- So, the bank pays to me (percent on the savings bill) percent for my savings but if I want to take the loan for car purchase I should pay (percent on the loan for the car) from the sum which I have borrowed. I should pay on (percent on the loan for the car a minus percent on the savings bill) more than I receiveit.
3. Now once again read together with the child the tenth chapter itWhy savings it a right way to lossit. Explain, why always it is useful to hold any sum on the savings bill and what is it one of key rules of the competent reference with money. Practice shows that it is enough to person to hold just in case on the bill the sum, sufficient for a covering of expenses for the period from three about twelve months. We at all do not advise to you to run in bank and to draw out money from your savings bill. We only wish to show that savings bills it is far not the best kind of an investment of money.
4. In summary ask the child: itAs you consider, in the following situation you would receive the income or lost money?it
At you 10 thousand dollars on the savings bill, enclosed under 4 annual interest rates. How much money you will receive from this sum for a year?
($10 000 it 4 %) = ____ (A)
You took the consumer loan the credit for 10 thousand on which you pay only percent at a rate of 9 annual interest rates. How much you pay in the form of percent?
($10 000 it 9 %) = ____ (B)
How much money you will earn or will lose for one year?
(A) - (B) = ____ (C)
How much money you will earn or will lose for ten years?
(C) it 10 years = ____ (D)
A = $400; the bank will add to you 400 dollars under the savings bill.
B = $900; you will pay to bank of 900 dollars of percent on the loan.
C = to loss of $500 (or - $500), you will lose 500 dollars.
D = to loss of $5000; for ten years you will lose 5000 dollars. At you remains 10 thousand dollars on savings to the bill and 10 thousand consumer loan, but you should pay for 5000 dollars of more percent, than you will receive for ten years.
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