Sun Glasses Icon
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- It is island, - he has informed. - about 250 kilometres in length and 65
Kilometres in width. The area about 15000 square kilometres or it is close to
To it. Not huge, but significant. It more, than a point on the map.
Light in it to cabin began to grow dim and has gone out absolutely.
- What will we do? - Has asked Pilorat, mechanically passing on
Whisper as though darkness was something fragile that can break.
- To wait, while our eyes will get used to darkness. The ship hangs over
Island. Look... See something?
- No... Though... Perhaps, small stains of light. I am not assured.
- I too see them. And now we will connect a telescope.
Yes, there there was light! And well visible. Stains of the wrong form.
- The island is manned, - Treviz has told. - it is possible, it is unique
Manned part of this planet.
- What to us to do?
- Let's wait for day. It will give to us some hours for rest.
- And they cannot attack us?
- How? I have not found out almost any radiation, behind an exception
Visible and infra-red. The island is manned also its inhabitants are obviously reasonable. At them
To threaten us. And if will be, the computer beforehand will warn me.
- And, as soon as there will come day...
- ... We sit down.
They have begun descent when the first beams of the morning sun have made the way through
Rupture in clouds also have shined an island part - fresh greens with a line low,
The roundish hills leaving in a violet distance.
Having lowered more low, they have seen separate bosks of trees and
The scattered gardens, however the area large part has been taken well
Well-groomed farms. Directly under them, on southeast coast of island
There was the silvery beach limited to a faltering line of rocks, for
By which meadows were stretched. Travellers have for a moment noticed the separate
Houses which however did not unite in something similar to settlement or
To city.
And at last, they have made out a network of the roads dissecting residential areas, and
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