Plant Reference Book Icon
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Tags: psp icon mods, parker fashion icon, yzdock icons, icon 419a, icons of the theotokos
The authorities cannot tell simply to the managing director. "Do not worry about profit". They
Should give it more certain and exact orders. What can be
These orders?
Answer this question fondly enough: "the Problem of the state
The enterprises granting to company of useful services "is. But a problem not
So it is simple. Granting of useful services is a unique problem of any
The enterprises. But what this term means? Who, with reference to
To government facilities, should decide, whether service is useful? And
That it is even more important, as we learn, whether not too is much paid for
The rendered services, i.e. whether are distracted factors of production,
Spent at fulfilment of these services, from other spheres, where them
Use could supply granting of more valuable services?
For the private enterprise aspiring to profit taking, criterion is
The relation of people. Utility of represented services is proved that is enough
The great number of citizens is ready to pay the price requested for them. Cannot be
Any doubt that buyers consider useful services,
Represented by bakers. They are ready to pay the price requested for bread.
At this price the panification usually extends until
There will come saturation i.e. until the further expansion does not become
To distract factors of production from industries, on production
Which there is more intensive demand of consumers. Having taken in quality
Reference point motive of profit taking, a free enterprise
Adapts the activity for wishes of people. Motive of profit taking
Forces each businessman to render those services, which consumers
Consider as the most necessary. The price market organisation speaks
To businessmen, how much they are free in a choice of this or that branch for
The investments.
But if government facilities begin to operate, without paying attention on
The profit, behaviour of people will cease to serve as criterion of its utility. If
Central or municipal authorities are complete of determination to continue production,
Regardless of the fact that working costs do not pay off the monetary
Receipts from buyers where the criterion of utility can be found
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