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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: objectbar icons, icon boxes, buy icon set, github fluid icon, music icon pack

- Not numskulls all there, Jugo. The main Librarian, Las Zenov, the person

Fairly clever and quite good.

- And you there was no there a librarian by name of Mammeri - Dzhennaro

- No, but I about it heard.

- The complete nonentity. Once we have squabbled with it - it me was accepted

To tell off for the fact that I something from a place has shifted or not there has delivered. And I

Anything such did not do and has terribly become angry. I as if back have got to the Distance.

You know, Gary, in it a slang is weight of offensive words. Here And I used one of them to its address. I have told to it that it disturbs

Also that in the history remains to work on psychohistory in an image of the villain. Well,

Instead of a word "villain" I have screwed this word, - Amaril is weak Has smiled. - In a word, it has shut up.

it has unexpectedly guessed the reason of the hostile relation of Mammeri to

To visitors of Library and to the psychohistory - at least, Partially... But it Jugo has told nothing about it.

- And so, Jugo, - continued Seldon, - you said that it is necessary to create

Two Bases so that if one is lost, the second continued to work. We will go further.

- In what sense?

- You remember, two years ago Vanda has managed to read your thoughts Also has seen, what one chain the equation in the Main Radiant is vicious?

- Certainly, I remember.

- Well and so: we will find others same, as Vanda. In one of ours The bases will work, basically, the physicists which problem will be

Preservation of the knowledge which has been accumulated by mankind. This Basis becomes

Prototype, germ of new Empire. And in the Second Basis will work Only psychohistorians, what under force will work over

Psychohistory together, having united the consciousnesses. It will be much faster,

Than if each of them thought alone. In the Second Basis will gather - , telepathists - name as you want. They become chiefs The plan, those who will make to it necessary changes with a current Time - you understand? They will always remain in the shadow - invisible Observers, keepers of Empire.

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