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Really, the life demands from us only it. However Mrs. E.K.Shilds has been driven to despair and even was on the verge Suicides - before she has learnt to live from a dawn to a decline. "In 1937 I have lost the husband, - Mrs. Shilds has told, informing me history The life. - I have been deeply grieved. I almost did not have means to To existence. I have written the letter to the former employer to Mr. To Leon Rouchu, to the owner of firm "Rouch-Fauler" in Kansas City, also was again It is employed. In the past I earned to myself on a life sale of books To rural and city schools. For two years before I have sold the The car when my husband was ill. However it was possible to me наскрести There is enough money to buy on an instalment plan, having brought a first payment, The second-hand car, and I have again started to sell books.

I thought that, having come to be again on road, I can overcome Depression. But one to drive the car and is in loneliness it has appeared from above My forces. In some places it was not possible to me to earn enough. To me There were to pay difficultly even payments for the car though they and were The small.

In the spring of 1938 I worked near to Versailles, the State of Missouri. Schools There were poor, roads bad. I was so is lonely and disappointed in a life, That at one time even thought of suicide. It seemed to me that to achieve Success it is impossible. The life has lost for my meaning. I was afraid of all on Light. I was overcome by fears that I cannot pay payments for The car and payment for a room that I will have nothing to eat. I was afraid To be ill, after all I did not have money, чтобызаплатить to the doctor. Me Kept from suicide only thoughts that my sister will be It is deeply afflicted and that I did not have enough money to pay Expenses on funeral.

But once I have read article which has helped me to overcome Despair also has given me courage to continue to live. I all life will be It is grateful to the author of article for one phrase which has inspired me on Struggle against difficulties. Here this phrase: "For the wise person every day The new life "opens. I have reprinted this phrase and have pasted it to To windscreen of the car. Thus, driving, I Every minute saw these words. It has appeared, it is not too difficult to care about Volume how to live only one day. I have learnt to forget about former days and Not to worry about a bottom tomorrow's. Every morning I spoke to myself: "Today Before me the new life "opens.

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Business Icons for Vista Business Icons for Vista is a pre-made graphic solution, which is perfectly suited for a number of business websites and programs. This set contains all standard sizes in 256 and 32-bit color.

Graphic Icon Set To get the best for your graphic editing software or design Web site, select the Graphic Icon Set, crafted by experienced designers in a variety of sizes, file formats and color schemes.

Medical Icons for Vista Medical Icons for Vista has been design to eliminate any misconceptions appearing while viewing a medical Web site or using a medical program. The icons are available in numerous sizes and formats.

Standard Chess Icons develop chess games and Web pages easier with Standard Chess Icons! All white and black figures are available as 2D and 3D images, the images of timer and chess board are also present.

32x32 Free Design Icons 32x32 Free Design Icons set contains all the images you need for your web project or software toolbar.