Tourist Industry Icon
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Tags: cimage, photo montage image, ultragrid button, gaa images, cd image
it has shuddered, inhibiting desire to recoil.
- I have changed the mind, know it. You will not bring good luck the race,
To the friends. Continue to live...
it has inclined a head - and has informed:
- Your ship has started descent to a planet. Time expires?
- Yes, Searching, - it is probable, in pens it the transmitter disappeared.
In the sky the rumble was born - two ships slid through atmosphere. If in
Rocks of the covered with wounds planet still there was a life, it was pressed in the poisoned
By radiation stones, it was hammered in a panic - before inevitable, approaching
The fighter it has slipped to the earth. Has turned over in air -
The silvery coin thrown by an invisible hand. Sampling "on an edge", having hung
Over glass plain.
- What you have held back... - has whispered Summer residences.
- Think. Farewell for ever, Measles.
it has come off the container. It was took for a narrow pen - and being bent from
Weights has gone to a fighter. The free wing shuddered, beat air,
Trying to hold balance.
it has turned away, has picked up the bag and began to look, how in one hundred
Metres from them Tommi puts the ship.
They have flied up a bit later - but also it did not hurry up. Slow,
Smooth lifting, - as if it was to admire a place most
Terrible fight, and the most shattering defeat.
Summer residences has risen in cabin - almost run, Tommi carried on the ship accurately, as
The cadet-honours pupil on offset on pilotage. Has become hollow in cabin, has caught the fast
Sight of the young man.
And the guy worried...
- Continue launch... - Kej has slipped in the seat, has put forward a tourist's fur-tree
The fighting console. The power spare was. The fighter lay in a sight grid -
- But to whom this planet is necessary?
- What do you wish to make? - Has fast asked Tommi.
- I do not know.
Summer residences held a palm on a fire control slice. That has already become warmer,
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