Equipment Icon
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Tags: interphase images, image steganography techniques, highest resolution image, images of tortoises, bunchen images
The son-first-born... For me for the son... - the person has turned, nodding on
The young man. And at the same time - estimating a position it with pistols.
The chief of change was wrinkled, as from a toothache. Till now were
People, nothing understanding in sexual stereotypes it...
- it, Dzhajres, calm down!
- It says lies! It... - Sajela hardly has not broken on shout.
Not existing insult, having sounded, became a reality.
- But I am really glad that for you the son was born!
- Be silent, the idiot! - Lajkov, having measured the man with a hating sight,
It was threw to Dzhajresu. - Disable the weapon! It is an error!
- Leave, it! - Dzhajres has screamed. Its pistols which have lost a sight,
Twitched in hands it.
The person has presented Sajele the one and only short smile. It
Has started back, inhibiting desire to be hammered under desktop.
- My name is Kej, - turning the murderer has informed. "Hornet", again
Appeared in his hands, has boomingly crashed, throwing out a charge it plasmas.
Explosion has merged with a cry of the tourists who at last have estimated danger
it again has looked at Sajelu. Without any hatred, simply estimating
Degree of its danger. The result has appeared disastrous only for vanity
- Live, - the person has told. "Hornet" has lifted, a finger displacing a regulator
The blaster, and a hall far corner where the equipment of the land took places
The control, has sunk on fire.
The panic has captured it where faster a flame.
it, run into any catalepsy, continued to stand, looking on
- . The person, without looking at running up tourists, has approached to the chief
Changes. That lay on a floor, having seized the right hand in it left,
Separated for an elbow. It has bent down, breaking from a belt of Lajkova a plate
The auxiliary skip. The chief of change of it at all has not noticed.
Smoking bloody medley to which Dzhajres, Kej not has turned
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