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Tags: web address icons, icon tray missing, aim buddy icon size, vintage icons for, mirraco icon intro bmx

- Like me. And in case of the humanoid robot - only I.

- Or in general anybody, - has ironically noticed Bailey.

- Or in general anybody. Precisely, - Fastalf has told, ignoring irony. -

Humanoid robots are designed in intended imitation of the person.

The pozitronnyj brain is very gentle and as is fragile, as well as human. As at

The person there can be a blow from any event, blow from within, without Outer effect interferences, and the humanoid brain can from Casual aimless movements of positrons to run into the intellectual Freezing.

- You can prove it?

To the mathematician, and not all will agree that a reasoning weighty. It includes

Some my assumptions which do not correspond to a usual manner

- What probability of spontaneous intellectual freezing?

- If to take, say, hundred thousand humanoid robots, with one From them during a life it can there will be a such. But can and earlier, as Happens with Dzhanderom.

- Listen, doctor Fastalf if you convincingly prove that Spontaneous intellectual freezing can occur in general, it not

Will be the proof that such thing has happened with Dzhanderom in particular.

- No, - Fastalf has agreed. - you are right.

- You, the greatest it, cannot prove it in the specific Case with Dzhanderom.

- You are besides right.

- Then why you hope for me? That I can make, if I

- Here also it is not necessary to prove anything. It is enough to present

The assumption what exactly could cause the spontaneous intellectual Freezing. The assumption comprehensible to general public.

- For example?

- I do not know.

- You are assured, what do not know? - Has sharply asked Bailey. - allow me

To indicate to you one thing. I think, it basically know that I have arrived

On this planet on purpose to undertake your problem. It would be difficult to bring

Me here secretly, considering that I the earth dweller, and am the Aurora.

- Yes, of course, and I did not try to make it. I have consulted with

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Business Icon Set Business Icon Set is a collection of fine-looking stock icons for use in software and on websites. They are provided in a variety of formats, sizes and color schemes.

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