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Has blurted out Gruber and has finished with undisguised disgust: - Like on
- you will understand, how that grows and lives. No, it not on me, the mister
The prime minister.
- Listen, Gruber, be the man. Not too all is bad. You will get used
- And to begin to me with what it is necessary, the mister the prime minister? Soon
After all all this a great lot of new gardeners will appear suddenly! No, the end to me, the end, it I
To you precisely I speak. Well, I cannot! - Gruber from the unexpected has blown up
Passion. - I can not and I do not want!
- it, I perfectly understand you. You do not want this work. And I not
I wish to work as the prime minister. This work too not on me. You know, I to you
I will fairly tell: it seems to me, even to the Emperor at times bothers to be
The emperor. All of us in the Galaxy should work, and work it is far not
Always pleasure and pleasure.
- Yes I understand it, the mister the prime minister, I understand it...
Yes only the Emperor, it after all the Emperor was born. And it is fated to you
The prime minister to be, therefore as anybody is better than you with this work not
Will consult. But here quite another matter. You will think - the main gardener! Yes
At us fifty gardeners it will be typed, who with this business will consult still
Better me, and would be delighted to such work more. Here you speak,
That have told to the Emperor as I tried to rescue you. And can, you once more
To it a word say for me - say if it is desirable for it me
To thank, so let will keep me how is, the simple gardener, and?
it has wearily leant back on a back of a chair and has told:
- it, I assure you if I could, I necessarily would state
To the emperor your request, but allow, I will try to explain you something, and
You try to understand me, please. The emperor, on idea, - individual
The governor of Galactic Empire. But actually it is subject to it very much
The small. Actually I correct Empire much more, than it, but also me
Not all is subject. In the government millions people, and each
Makes any decisions, each makes any mistakes. Someone
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