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Socialism. Such research would be extremely important, but for it
Not followed undertake without very thorough knowledge of the German history and
The German ideas. Far it is not obvious that the author of the given short research
Has many required qualities - which, however, and it is difficult to expect
From the thesis for a doctor's degree. It is limited, mainly, to the legal
Aspects of a problem, development and transformation of concept Rechtstaat, and in it
Question there are no bases with it to argue; the theme in itself is extensive enough,
That on the present the erudite author which knowledge is not limited by this
Narrow area, could write very valuable monography. But though our author sees
Some problems, are even more signs of that it did not study
Primary sources, and has simply read a number of books of such minor authors as
E.Trelch, G.Geller and some articles in Encyclopedia of Social Sciences.
Even as Fichte or Mazzini he quite often quotes such writers on the secondary
To sources and consequently it is no wonder that, for example, it protects Fichte, which
In the beginning adhered to liberal views, from "unfair" reference to
To forerunners of national socialism (whether the author though its time Geschlossene read
Handelsstaat? und Probe einer kungftig
zu liefernden Politik (Tubingen: J.G. Gotta, 1800) - it. It., Der geschlossene Handelstaat: ein
philosophischer Entwurf als Anhang zur Rechtslehre, Johann Gottlieb Fichte) In
Result we have received only retelling of textbooks, in which, the truth,
Some important tendencies are fixed, but thus we do not learn anything
Such that would not know before.
Both in historical, and in a conceptual part the author mentions the important
Problems, showing thus good intuition and perfect inadequacy
Means, and and without having explained sense of terms used by it. Good
As illustration consideration of two central problems of research - serves
Influence of positivism and result of formalisation of the right. A conclusion that "decline
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