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 Science Icon Set

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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: xp desktop icons background, freeware icon, www icon apartments, pickaxe icon, name small icon

- We talk. He to me tells something. He has mentioned, For example that, in your opinion, the Electronic Pump can blow up The Universe.

- That its part in which there are we. It is not excluded that it can To transform our branch of a galaxy into a quasar.

- No, you the truth in it trust?

- When I have arrived on the Moon, - Denison has told, - I still doubted. But

Now I trust. I am convinced that it will occur, and will occur inevitably.

- And when, how your way?

- Here it I precisely to tell I do not undertake. Perhaps, through some Years. Perhaps, in some decades.

There has again come silence. Then Selenium has murmured:

- it so does not think.

- I know. Also I do not try to overpersuade it. Unwillingness it is impossible to trust

To break a frontal attack. In it also there was an error of Lamonta.

- Who such Lamont?

- Excuse, Selenium, I have mused.

- No, Ben! Explain to me. Please! I wish to know.

it has turned sideways faced to it.

- All right, - he has told. - I to you will tell. It - the physicist, also lives on

To the Earth. He has tried to warn the world about the danger concealed in Electronic

The pump, but has failed. The Pump is necessary to people. Cheap energy is necessary.

It is so necessary that they do not wish to trust in its danger, in necessity

To refuse it.

- But as they can continue to use it if it threatens General itdestruction?

- For this purpose it is enough not to believe that it threatens with itdestruction. Most

Easy method of the decision of a problem - simply to deny its availability. As well as

Your friend doctor Nevill does. It is frightened by a surface that is why it inspires

To themselves as if solar accumulators do not answer the purpose, though To any unbiassed person it is clear that for the Moon it is an ideal source Energy. Pump installation will allow it not to leave never any more

Corridors that is why he does not wish to believe that the Pump is dangerous.

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