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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: animated icon tutorial, icon maker online, 422a icon wiper, compare icon, os x icon format

As the marketing purpose – to organise more than fact-finding meetings, we will pass to this delicate and very important subject. http://evartist.narod.ru/text5/56.htm - _top#_top


Your professional position should be accurately defined to an input in office of the possible client. We will assume, at you the meeting is appointed at 11 o'clock. It is not necessary and say that it is impossible to be late. But it is not necessary and to come is will mean earlier that your schedule of job is not filled. If the client also is punctual, it foretells a good meeting. If you will leave in a reception for uncertain time, without bringing any apologies, the owner means does not respect advisers. Expect no more than 30 minutes from time to which the meeting is appointed. Leave cut-away to the secretary, having explained the leaving by a meeting with other client. If after that the candidate calls to make a new an appointment, you can agree, but with a condition that this time he should pay according to your tariffs as last time it has not used «free possibility offered it». Only so it is possible to make the candidate the real client, having let know that your professional time is very valuable – if not to it, for others. You do not need to lift up a head or to be rough; speak simple prosaic tone. He should not think at all as if you punish it. If it accepts your conditions and will agree on the second meeting, fine; if is not present, you have lost nothing, for it, most likely, the impolite person who in vain is taking away your time.

Notice that the given session is called as a fact-finding meeting, instead of fact-finding interview. In most cases your candidate will try to conduct it so as if he interviews you, after all it is its habit. The candidate usually occupies the high position allowing it to make some decision, concerning managements. Therefore often he will try to conduct with you interview in the same way as it does it with competitors of job. He begins to play a role of the majestic inquisitor, expecting that will receive answers to all questions, concerning your last experience, other clients and your knowledge. Leave from the answer to the majority of them, having told that you will be glad to give necessary recommendations and documents after discussion of its problem (project) as it is the main subject of a meeting. After all it not begins to ask similar questions and in such manner, for the first time having come to the doctor, the stomatologist or the lawyer. All kind at this meeting you should speak:« How I can help you?»

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