Cardiologist Icon
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- It is not necessary so. If to you from it it is easier, know: a minimum three perceive your words seriously and reflect what to do.
- And you among them?
- No. I, as usually, sit on a fence is, by the way, devilishly inconveniently - and I do not know, on whose party to jump off. But in one I with you it agree: it is not meaningful to sit and wait. Any problem can be decided.
- So it so. But to start when due hereunder, superfluous fuel and additional speed are necessary. Some kilometres per second.
- Vasily so too considers, and I trust it. Here it us delivered.
- Would deliver and back, be at us more fuel.
- It is some fuel. No distance - on "Diskaveri". There its hundreds tons.
- We studied this variant of ten times. To forward fuel on "Leonov" it is impossible. At us is not present either pipelines, or pumps. Liquid ammonia - not in baskets it to drag!
- All is true. Only what for to drag?
- Has not understood.
- It is necessary to burn it there where it is. To use "Diskaveri" in quality it steps.
If the such someone has offered other, would be very ridiculous. But it was offered by Uolter Kurnou; it has opened there was a mouth, but tell nothing a smog. The speech power has returned to it only after seconds.
- Lines! I should think of it itself... They were directed to the Sachet. That has attentively listened, has pursed lips and has there and then requested the computer. When on the display there was an answer, he has thoughtfully nodded.
- All is true. Speeds will suffice. But there are practical difficulties...
- You, I see, had time to consider much. But it is all the same useless.
To convince Tanju to you it will not be possible.
- It is useless - now, - Flojd has agreed. - But let she at least knows about such possibility. You support us?
- It is not convinced. But it would be desirable to be present at your conversation. It, in my opinion, will be interesting.
it listened more attentively, than Flojd, however half-heartedly expected.
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