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Delete Folder V3 Icon Images

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Delete Folder V3 Icon
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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: red folder icons, chiodos buddy icons, events icons, cool sport icons, change video icon


It will be fair to think, as in the field of conducting conflicts representatives of different types have various abilities. For example, logicians-ratsionaly most likely will save successfully objectivity and calmness even in intense skirmish. Extroverts at whom language is well suspended, can smooth roughnesses and lay themselves a way practically in any situation. On the other hand, relative reticence of introverts will promote heat decrease in the conflict.

However, as to us shows the experiment, any type has no advantages before others in the field of the resolution of conflicts. Moreover, whatever became the conflict reason, it clears up in us the worst. For example, logicians-ratsionaly find out propensity to rigid dogmatism: they are not simply convinced of the correctness, but become deaf to other points of view. Extroverts can find out it and excessive aggression instead of a word to settle business. As to introverts they can be fenced off simply from an external world and stop any interaction, able to serve to the resolution of conflict.

So, to us remains, except how to reach nothing in the conflict up to the end, using for this purpose those means which in the past helped us to do it with more or less satisfactory results.

Our inability effectively to cope with conflicts forces the companies to allocate the large sums of money for training of the employees to "skills of the resolution of conflicts». Take, please, into consideration: not all similar programs are useless or harmful. Many of them can supply the valuable information in the field of the resolution of conflicts and first of all learn to avoid them. However between the theory in which those who spends these programs edify, and a reality the deep precipice more often lies. Ten of their twenty rules of the resolution of conflicts, despite the objective value and an insight, can be not always enclosed to a train of real conflicts to which often it is not visible the end.

We are convinced of the following: any method of the resolution of conflicts which does not consider distinctions between types of the person, is doomed to a failure. We observe all new and new examples which show how it the understanding of a situation allows to deepen. It allows clashing to overcome more effectively a disagreement and to find more comprehensible alternatives both in the course of the collision, and after it.

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