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17)] To put it briefly, the estate was the closed system political and economic Relations, instead of simply system of economic relations in mainly Agrarian company. Though we can allocate and analyse the economic
Aspects it systems, its participants have been involved in a network of the additional
Relations - legal and political, making in aggregate structure
Medieval life. Great French historian Mark Blok as follows
Has summed up it relations:
The lord not only received taxes from the peasants and used their work. It not
Only received a payment for use of the earth and used everyones, services; it
Also was the judge, it is frequent - if he fulfilled the duty - the defender, and always
-- The leader, to which - besides any personal obligations - those who lived on
To its earth or "kept" from it the earth, have been obliged, - owing to very general, but
The valid obligations - to help and obey. Thus,
- was not simply economic enterprise through which have arrived
- to the strong person. It was power unit in the widest sense
This word; after all the power of the leader was not limited, as on the usual
The capitalist enterprise, borders of its enterprise, but mentioned all
Human life, competing in it, and at times and superseding the power of the state and
Own laws, as a rule, usual which defined relations
- with the mister and precisely established borders of small group, for
Which these traditional rules were obligatory. Seignorial Institutions ", vol. 1, Marc Bloch, The
Cambridge Economic History of Europe, chap. 6, pp. 235 - 236, ed., "The Rise of
Dependent Cultivation, in M. M. Postan, 1966) and The Agrarian Life of the Middle
Ages (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
The religious life of an estate was more independent, than political or
The economic. Medieval arrivals did not coincide with borders of estates, and it
A little weakens submission about an estate as about the closed social
To system. The holder of an estate was not the priest; and even there, where it had the right
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