Credit Card V5 Icon
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File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: green dayaim icons, konata icons, sissor icon, little buddy icons, gdesklets icons
- You could warn me, - the Grant has told.
- You after all do not have reasons is here, isn't that so? - Has asked
It has lifted the laser, and ignoring the help offered it, was directed to
To storage room.
- Yes, Ms., - the Grant has submissively told. - henceforth when I will be nearby
You, I will choose more carefully a place where to put a hand.
The bark has looked back, amazed and to some extent even the lost.
Then she for an instant has smiled.
- Cautiously, cheeks can burst, - the Grant has told.
Its smile has there and then disappeared.
- I have warned you, - she has told coldly.
It was directed to laboratory.
From above the voice of Ouensa was distributed:
- The grant, check up radio station!
- Well, - the Grant has responded. - I will meet you, the Bark. Then!
It has sliped in the armchair and has for the first time looked on
Radio transmitter.
- It seems that the system works as the Morse alphabet.
it has lifted eyes. Gloomy expression has descended from his face.
Zone. I believe, you are able to work with the Morse alphabet.
- Certainly.
It has ticked the short radiogramm. After a while system
External loud-speaking communication in a room for miniaturization has burst
Sounds of such loudness that them was freely audible in "Proteruse".
- The radiogramm is received. Prove. The radiogramm states:
"Ms. Peterson has smiled".
- Here a trouble...
The grant has bent over the transmitter and has taped: "Correctly"
The answer has come this time in the coded form. The grant has heard, and
Has then informed:
- The radiogramm received outside: "to Prepare for miniaturization".
6. Miniaturization
The grant, without knowing how to prepare, remained to sit on the place. It
Has jumped with almost impulsive precipitancy and has looked around, as though
Doing last general check.
it, having put aside a card, has started to dig in the fastened
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