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Buyer Bag V1 Icon Images

Buyer Bag V1 Icon

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Buyer Bag V1 icon
Buyer Bag V1 Icon
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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: emo online icons, filder icons, to make a heart icon, msword icon, boomber icon

So, this former worker itIntelit with the millions has allowed money to go to to it a head and has begun to invest in what has got. He bought securities without registration, he bought partnership in the companies, he bought the companies entirely, forcing the sons and daughters to operate them, he bought luxury goods what are presumed to themselves by really rich people, such as the personal plane, the yacht and two private residences. In addition to everything, he has met the woman more youngly the daughter and has got divorced from wife, which has snipped off very decent sum at divorce. The rich daddy repeated often:it Give to the fool money, and it will suit a party it. Also can believe to me, this guy was able to go into parties. Today it the bankrupt. Whence I know it? He came to ask to me job. And it only one of tens similar with which I was a sign in rough 1990. They were hard workers whom has carried, and considered itself as investors, but have found out that actually were the fools capable only to go a party. I have nothing against parties, but before be convinced that tomorrow can afford the following.

Similar examples of investment nonsense meet among sports stars, a tele- and fate - owners of large lottery prizes, the people who have unexpectedly received the big inheritance, and any others, whom nonsense has forced to believe what to invest and be the investor is same. In some years when some of the most successful bebi-bumerov will start to retire with the large sums of money of pension plans of category DC, you will start to read in newspapers about the deceived fools at whom have enticed their pension money. And deceived there will be many because they do not see any difference between investment of money and ability to be the investor.

- Tjulpanovaja maniait in Holland 1634-1637 (On the basis of historical estimations)

In understanding of the rich daddy a financial panic-it unreasonable converting of financial actives in money. In other words, people suddenly wake up and realise that the goods bought by them are not necessary the paid money, and wish to receive the money back. This phenomenon often name itrepentance of the buyerit. When millions the people investing in mutual funds and other financial actives, will test repentance of the buyer and the money will demand back, there will come a panic, and it will lead to the biggest crash in the history. As the rich daddy, itthat you invest has told, does not mean yet that you the investorit.

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