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Juke-Box Icon Images

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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: icon collage genorater, easy icon maker, free image icon, icon packager 3.2, desktop icons tv

Well-beings of all of the others, or restriction of their abilities to disturb other

In achievement of the purposes. Since Adam Smith the orthodox point of view Underlines advantages of capitalism in conformity with this the third Criterion.

These methods of comparison are not quite independent from each other as it is impossible

To evaluate possibilities of the given group to formulate the purpose and to achieve them

Achievements disregarding efficiency from what the system satisfies requirements

To remember the distinction noted by Gershenkronom between deep ideology and Ostentatious which should give a certain respectability to the valid

To the purposes: the ostentatious purposes of those who possesses the political and economic power not

Necessarily coincide with the purposes on which they focus the organizational

Company structure. Attempts to compare two economic systems on religious or moral

To dignities of their purposes usually suffer from a double error: the availability is postulated

The uniform purpose, and then this purpose is described as the company purpose, instead of separate

The person. Almost always the such purpose appears overworkly simplified, and in

Result the complexities, arising that the purposes put forward are ignored

Many different people, which interests disperse, and possibilities - are limited.

The comparison considering all these complexities, will be very extensive and not so

Dramatic, maybe, except for cases when it is taken into consideration

Emotionally exciting distinction between deep and ostentatious ideologies. In

Force of it there is a sense to compare systems by certain general criteria, such as

Growth rates of a material well-being for it population parts. The values embodied in this criterion, are more popular in the modern West, Than in the Soviet block or in the feudal West. Their advantage that they

Which put forward different priorities, such as: suppression of capitalism, Maintenance of a heavy feudal cavalry or profit taking, - and thus not To enter into debate about moral advantage of the various purposes. 4. A scientific socialism and experiment

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