Death Icon
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Tags: replace os x icons, wonder girls icons, antique icon, valentine icon, despised icon music video
- I do not trust... And well, run on the ship!
- Summers! Why you act against us? That to you have promised
- ? Gold mountains?
- You wish to know, what to me have offered? - In Summers's voice was
Fury. - I will tell to you! A decent life! Clearly? - Summers has begun to creak teeth.
- What did I have on your nasty Earth? Sufferings, sufferings, sufferings!
It is more than anything! The slightest chance to get out of dung! Where I went,
Around was same - crowds of the people tearing one another by claws. And when
I have wanted to follow to their example - me have sent to prison. And I have decided: if
Only possibility will be presented to me - wholly I will settle up with the Earth!
- Well, and by what image your transition to the decent should be carried out
- It is offered to me to emigrate on it planets that you knew. -
Summers has made a pause. Its breath was weak and whistling. - the new worlds!
The pure! There there is a space... There people are necessary... There appreciate talent... There
I will have a chance...
- You never will get there. After all they should arrive for a long time!
Summers has kept silent.
Because they do not have any decent life for you, is not present even simply
Lives. The death is prepared you. Because you also have not waited the ship.
- Still early.
- It is not necessary to lie. We precisely know, how many oxygen was gone with
"it". Oxygen cylinders - a thing bulky enough, and to you after all
It was necessary to bear them in haste. Air stocks on an outcome, isn't that so?
- At me air a great lot!
- No, Summers, no. It will not arrive also because at them is not present
- . As you simply allow to kill yourselves. Summers, what services you
Had time to render it?
- All about which me have asked. It not so much, do not worry. But
Here about what I really am sorry, - Summers choked with bravado, - so
It about failure from your "Adrasteej"! How you have escaped? I suited the such
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