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After 1880. [Even at that time at first it was a question not of replacement of animals
By cars, but about their simultaneous use. Between 1880 and 1920 years
Installed power per employee of the American farms has increased from 668 000 h.p. To 21 443 000
H.p. During the same period increased, though also slower rate, number
Draught animals in cities and in village: from 11 580 000 to 22 430 000. By data
The Ministries of Trade, Historical Statistics of the United States (Washington,
D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1975), pt. 2, ser. S 1 - 14, p. 818.]
Other important factors of agrarian revolution were: use growth
Fertilizers, improvement of quality of seeds, improvement of breeds of animals and
Perfection of methods of their cultivation, and also - thanking
To transport perfection - development of regional specialisation in rural
Economy. Many changes became result of application in agriculture
Methods experimental and XIX-th century applied science. For supply of cities
The foodstuffs considerable value had also agricultural development
The American plains, but, as well as use of mechanical energy, it
Has begun in second half of XIX-th century, and we should search for an explanation
Previous progress in perfection of methods and conducting receptions
Like industrial revolution, agrarian also could go through development
And some tropical countries. There is a number of the reasons, on which in the West the agrarian
Revolution has not led to development of agricultural factories.
One of the reasons was that because of a seasonal nature it parts of jobs
Frequently it is more favourable to owners of a farm to employ seasonal workers, than to hold constants
Workers. Besides, the main advantages of factories - organisation possibility
And the control of productive work, possibility of reduction of expenses on
Masters and other managers, and also reduction of capital expenses - not
Always work even at the factory placed in one building, where supervision
Easier, than on a farm. The most part of agricultural job is carried out
Separate people or very small groups almost inaccessible to supervision, and
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