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To name you so. It testifies to affinity of our souls.
- I, studying myths, has seen, how gods of Ellady from an antiquity up to now
Were done gradually more kindly and better. It, the hunter and the murderer, became
The murderer, greedy and envious, and now it is radiant god-zhiznedatel,
Before which are joyfully declined. My goddess - Aphrodite - in ancient
Temples stood with a spear, as Athena. Now there is Urania, bearing to people
Sacred heavenly love, - cheeks of Tais have flashed.
Priest-philosopher has looked at it even more tenderly, and Tais has grown bolder.
- And I read Anaksagora. Its doctrine about "Nus" - world reason, about
To eternal struggle of two opposite forces: malicious and kind, friendly and
The hostile. An antifont learning that people are equal, and warning
- from neglect to the foreign people... - Tais has faltered,
Having recollected own errors for which has not paid nearly a life.
The philosopher has guessed.
- And itself could not overcome this neglect, - he has told, - for
As has got to crocodiles.
- I could not and I can not accept ridiculous worship gods in the animal
Shape: to ugly hippopotamuses, vile it, to silly cows,
To senseless birds. As wise people, yes any people with the sensible can
- You have forgotten, without delay, do not know that religion of Egyptians on some
Millenia is more senior it. The more deeply in darkness of centuries, the was more dark
Round the person and in his soul. This darkness was reflected in all its feelings and
Thoughts. Uncountable animals threatened it. Being in the case power, it
At all did not understand destiny as it is understood it we, it. Each instant could be
The last. Hourly gods-animals went a never-ending train before it,
Trees, stones, streams and the rivers. Then one of them have disappeared, others
Were saved up to now. And whether for a long time we, it, worshipped to the rivers, so
Important in our shallow country?
- But not to animals!
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