Patient-Man with Shadow Icon
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Tags: bulldogs images, fish icons, imagenes de mamiferos, blot images, pachuca images
Catholicism, it promoted capitalism growth.
It is necessary to mention and other probable consequence it. Asserted that
Reduction of expenses on church, like reduction of military expenses,
Favorably for industrial growth. Church expenses in England were reduced
The Protestant countries. Is connected with it also that in the Catholic countries
The considerable part of the earth belonged to the church organisations that is why was
Withdrawal of these earths they became accessible to commercial operation. John At.
- as follows describes it:
Henry's rupture VIII with Rome (soon after withdrawal of the property of monasteries and
Other religious congregations) and the reduction of number called by it and
Long before an aggravation of the constitutional struggle, favorable conditions for
Industrial growth. After confiscations 1536 and 1539 a share of the national
The income spent for church needs, was in England much less, than in
The last eight centuries. Anything similar was not in the countries which have remained
The Catholic. In France the church saved the property and number
Churchmen has not decreased. In Spain and the Spanish Netherlands cumulative number
Monks, nuns and priests has grown.
Partial confiscation of the church property in England (and in others
The Protestant countries, in particular in Sweden, Denmark, Scotland and Holland)
Has facilitated to private businessmen access to the earth and mineral resources.
Human Progress, Nef, pp. 15 - 16 and War
Influence it on long-term redistribution of riches between
Church and class of capitalists it was not limited to confiscation church
Properties: the Calvinist doctrine about predetermination and sanctity of work
Assumed that capitalists can save the property for the family
Instead of giving or bequeathing its churches.
Transition from feudalism by capitalism also has laid a way to modern capitalism.
It is a question of the union between the governments and businessmen. Set
Corresponding political decisions and strategy it is known as the politician
Mercantilism. [More detailed review of mercantilism see in following jobs:
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