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Medical Icons for Vista
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 Medical Icons for Vista

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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: silhoette images, yul brynner images, image dans un commentaire, entrances images, xdg desktop icon

The same was and in Athenes on Lenejah - festival of "wild women" in days winter

Solstices of month it. A face of the goddess-razrushitelnitsy, the goddess-death

Image of love - unique which you know.

it has brought fingers to temples.

- Too wisely for me. Really during far dark times even Female goddesses were so furious, how later men-gods?

- Are furious - is not present. Are ruthless - yes, as a life, for than they

Were, as not reflexion of a life, the higher forces of destiny dominating unequivocally and

Over gods, and over people... Are ruthless and merciful simultaneously.

it sat, distraught and become silent. The philosopher has risen and has put the big

Warm palm on curls of rebellious hair on her forehead. Again the extraordinary

The calm has spread on a body of the hetera, trust and feeling of complete safety

Strengthened a perception sharpness.

- Listen attentively, the Tais-Athenian. If you will understand that I will tell to you,

You will become my spiritual daughter... It is possible to Trust in everything, everything, but belief

Becomes religion only when it is weaved with rules of a life, Estimation of acts, wisdom of behaviour, prospection. We, it,

Still very much it - we do not have morals and understanding of human feelings, as on

The far East. To religion the belief of Egyptians, but also at us never will ripen

There are philosophers, you named two, having forgotten Platon and several more

Wise men...

- I have not forgotten Platon. But a great wise man, creating the plan

The ideal state, has forgotten about women and their love. It seems to me, it

Recognised only love between men and consequently I do not consider it

The normal person, though it and the well-known philosopher, the Olympic fighter and

The statesman. But you are right, I have forgotten Aristotle though with it it is familiar

Personally, - Tais has mysteriously smiled.

it has frowned.

- No. This expert on natural phenomena not less it in moral questions,

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