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Tags: akm images, high resolutions image, sea anemone image, 1408 images, image kanye west

Has fallen from armchairs on a floor and became on knees, then it was inclined by the person face downwards to

To the earth, has spread the hands and, as though in joyful delight, kissing the earth and

Praying (as itself learnt), has silently and joyfully given soul to god. News about death

It it was immediately carried by in a monastery and has reached a monastery. The nearest to

To ceremony its body, and all brotherhood has gathered in cathedral church. And still to

Has reached cities. By the morning city all nearly spoke about event, and set

Citizens has begun to flow in a monastery. But about this we will tell in the following book, and now

Only we will add forward that has not passed also day as something was made, to

That for all unexpected, and on the impression made in the environment Monastery and in a city, before strange, disturbing and confused, as Till now, after it years, the most live is saved in our city Memoirs on that so for many a disturbing bottom...






To the established rank. The died monks and it, as it is known, do not wash. "Egda who from monks to the Lord it (it is told in the Big Breviary), The made monk (that is for this nominated) wipes its body it

". All it also were executed over deceased by father Paisy. After it has dressed

It in a monastic attire also has twisted it; for what, under the rule, a little

Cut it to twist crosswisely. On a head a plot to it it with

Have closed black air. In hands to it have put an icon of the saviour. In such kind

By the morning have shifted it in a coffin (already before for a long time prepared). A coffin

Have intended to keep in cells (in the first big room, in that, in Which the late aged man accepted brotherhood and wordly) for all day. As

Requiems, father Joseph; the father of Paisy, itself wished to read then all the day long

And all night long, has been for the present very taken and anxious, together with the father the prior

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