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Tags: images of sports stars, hollow man images, icon layer, and digital image processing, imagecache image
- What are you silent? Do not take in head to dive once again!
- Whether you it, the tsar? You at night one in the river? It is dangerous!
- And it is not dangerous you, the fearless Athenian? - Alexander has told.
- To whom do I am necessary? Who will search for me in the river?
- In the river you are not necessary to anybody, it is true! - the great has burst out laughing
The Macedonian. - float here. Really only we with you have invented this method
Rest? Similar!
- Perhaps, others simply float is worse, - Tais has told, coming nearer
On a voice of the tsar, - or are afraid of demons of night in another's country.
- Babylon was a city of ancient magic long before Persian
Tsars, - Alexander has given a hand and has touched a cool shoulder of the hetera.
- Last time I saw you nude only on it where you have amazed
All Amazonian dance.
it has turned over on a back and long looked at the tsar, hardly
Seaweed, black hair. Alexander has put on it a palm exhaling
Warm force.
- Release itself though time on freedom, the tsar, - having kept silent, Tais has told, in
That time as a watercourse took down them to the bridge.
- With you? - Alexander has fast asked.
- And only with me. After you will understand why...
- You are able to light curiosity, - the conqueror of Asia has answered with
Kiss from which both have left under water.
- We float to me! - Alexander has ordered.
- No, the tsar! To me! I am a woman and should meet you cleaned and
The brushed. Besides, for you in a palace it is too much eyes, not always
The kind. And at me - secret!
- And you - secret, the Athenian! So often there is you is right, as if
You wise it, instead of the subjugator of men!
They have turned on in time from a current bearing them on it the bridge, and
Have come in a backwater where Eris dreaming, looking at stars, has jumped with
Hissing and speed of a wild cat.
- it, it is the tsar-winner! - the hetera has fast told. The girl
Has knelt in respectful bow.
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