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Tags: appearance icon, icons are located, being a wallflower icon, white summer icons, x icon file format

Rotating round stars in a congestion of the Blue Fog, it has not been torn off

From a civilisation, yes at that time it was and it is impossible anywhere in the Galaxy.

At that time the Galaxy totaled about twenty five millions The occupied planets, and all of them made one empire with the Galaxy centre

On a planet of Trantor. For the last half a century power of empire it is significant

Has increased.

For Gaala it is travel was its brilliant wreath young scientific Open-cast mines. No doubt. In space it happened more than once and flight

On itself it is not enough that for it meant. However, its travel did not go further

- where it extracted the necessary data on the mechanic of the meteoric Slidings. But for space travel had no special significance - Half-million of miles or half-million of light years.

He worried before a jump through hyper-space is only a little The sensation could not be tested at interplanetary flights. Hyper-jump Was, and to all appearances always remains, unique method of flights to To stars. In usual space speed of a starprobe vehicle did not exceed speed

Light (only this part the forgotten data was saved for a long time since the forgotten

Dawn of human history), and it meant, what even from one occupied Star system to its nearest neigbour it is necessary to travel the long Years. Through zero-space, this unimaginable area, which not Is neither space, nor time, energy, something, and can be

And anything, it was possible to fly by all Galaxy from the end in the end in time,

Estimated with fractions of a second.

it expected the first jump, feeling driving nausea, but anything Has not occurred, unless almost inaudible fluctuation of air, any vague

Sensation and internal push which has come to an end before he was in time it

To feel. It was all.

And then there was only one starprobe vehicle, big and sparkling,

The newly made doctor of mathematical sciences who has received the invitation in

Empire capital, on Trantor, from the greatest Hari Seldona, that To participate in any mysterious it the project.

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Business Icon Set Business Icon Set is a collection of fine-looking stock icons for use in software and on websites. They are provided in a variety of formats, sizes and color schemes.

Free Business Desktop Icons Free Business Desktop Icons is a pack of 10 ready icons for use in commercial and personal projects, such as software applications, websites, blogs, and presentations. The images are free for personal, frequent and commercial use.

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