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By search of the bookkeeper, naturally, take an interest at first at acquaintances. It is desirable, that these acquaintances represented the valid skill level of the recommended expert. It is important. The person can recommend from the best promptings to help it. To it, instead of you. Therefore try to find out and why it is recommended by your acquaintances, and than the recommended bookkeeper is engaged and engaged.

It is possible to search under announcements in the newspaper. On accounting conducting in combination it is enough offers. A problem one it how to define qualification of the competitor? Bookkeepers who reduced came across to me and handed over balances, being confused in a book keeping abacus. It all the same that letters in the alphabet to confuse. And such person can get to you. Certainly, if the bookkeeper works as the chief accountant, the risk sharply decreases. Especially at the long experience of job on this post. It is desirable to choose the such. Ask on viewing the work record card. On a word to believe not necessarily. Do not hesitate and be not afraid of it. Still the variant is a capable youth to which experience is necessary, an employment records and which works for much smaller money, than the bookkeeper with a long standing. Such young yes early it is necessary to examine and supervise, but it is possible to receive the good, capable and perspective expert. At employment of the young employee plan increase in the salary in process of growth of its qualification.

Alternative to the chief accountant in enterprise staff are the centres of accounting service, the auditor and consulting companies. Open the directory or the newspaper in section itAccounting servicesit and start to call. The prices vary depending on amount of works and ambitions of the given centres. But usually it all the same in one and a half-two time is cheaper, than the maintenance of own personnel. Negative line of such service is that are engaged in your organisation only during the accounting period. As in a saying:it From session before session there live students cheerfully it. The Same concerns and bookkeepers. From the report to the report bookkeepers too live rather easy. Hence, and affairs of your organisation will excite foreign experts in preparation for reports, calculation of wages and payment of taxes more. Errors at such approach certainly, are possible. But also them can admit and your regular bookkeeper. At job with the serving organisations it is good to hold in staff of the usual bookkeeper of low qualification which will process the primary documentation, and balance data to charge to firm.

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