Milk Icon
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It only for the sake of preservation of capitalism and its political superstructure or
Superstructures, namely: the democratic government.
That these people are not capable to realise is that measures offered by them not
Are capable to lead to desirable good results. On the contrary, they generate the such
State of affairs what - from the point of view of their defenders - is much worse
Primary which tried to improve. If the government, having faced with
Crash of the first interference, is not ready to return to free economy and
To allow the market to correct a situation, it should increase a chain
Restrictions and regulation. On this way step by step it will reach that,
What is the economic freedom of an individual will disappear. Thus also will arise
Socialism on German manners, Zwangswirtschaft nazis.
We already remembered a case with minimum wages. We will go further and
Let's analyse a typical case of the control of the prices.
If the government aspires to supply poor children milk, it should
To purchase milk at the market price and then to sell it more cheaply; losses it is possible
To cover at the expense of taxes. But if the government simply establishes the milk price on
Level below market, results will appear opposite to the purposes
The governments. The weakest manufacturers to avoid losses, will terminate
Production and trade in milk. Milk in the market becomes less, instead of it is more.
It at all to what the government aspired. It after all has interfered therefore,
That considered milk as vital necessity. It did not wish to limit it
Now the government appears before a choice: or to refuse intentions
To supervise the prices, or to add to the first decree of the second - to fix
The prices of factors of the production necessary for production of milk. Then same
The history will repeat. The government should fix the prices of those factors
Productions which are necessary for milk production. So, to the government
It is necessary to go all further, fixing the prices of all factors of production - the prices
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