Beer Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: radio transmitter icon, calligaris icon chair, ginny icons, attachment icon in outlook, buddy icon creator
To examples of the state interference in business. These detailed and it is good
Documentary statistical researches of the nearest past (it is erroneous
Named researches of modern position) represent the big
Value for the future historian. They are not less important for the professional
Training of lawyers and office employees. But they, of course, cannot
To compensate absence of a theoretical economic education.
It is amazing that the thesis for a doctor's degree of Shtrezemana has been devoted conditions
Trade in bottle beer in Berlin. [Shtrezeman Gustav (1878 - 1929) -
The German politician, one of founders and chiefs of the German
People party; in August-November, 1923 - the head of the government
Considering, as the school hours time-table at German universities is under construction,
It is possible to tell with confidence that a significant part of the university
Works of Shtrezeman has devoted to studying of the organisation of sales of beer and a condition
Consumption by its population. Such is store of knowledge, which
The glorified university system of Germany has supplied the person who has become
After the old professors who have received the chairs during the short
Blossoming of German liberalism, have died, at Reich universities it became impossible
To hear something about an economic science. German economists any more were not,
And books of foreign authors could not be found in the libraries serving
University seminars. Social scientists have not followed the lead of professors
The theology, acquainting students with principles and doctrines of other churches
And sects and with atheism philosophy because aspired to prove
Inconsistency of belief which considered heretical. Everything that students,
Studying public disciplines, learnt from the teachers, was reduced
To that an economic theory - a false science, and so-called economists
Are, as Marx, sikofantami-apologists of the injust class has told
Interests of bourgeois exploiters [Sikofanty - professional informers and
Slanderers. It, obviously, means a following place from the preface to
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