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The attention of FBI has been involved to ABS after to one of principals and two brokers have brought accusation in dock -


It reception of cash in exchange for the transactions made with agents of FBI, introduced on a stock exchange under the pretext of traders. Probably, brokers ABS "hung on a hook" — about It It is possible to guess only — and received the large sums of cash which monthly shared bypassing cash desk. I can tell that within two years when I was co-owner ABS, no suitcases with cash existing.

Because of my communication with ABS and that fact that I such large player, FBI tried to steal up more close to me in 8&?- it. But I and other traders-veterans stood on the same places in a hole throughout many years. This place - our territory, our earth which we protected. When you create to yourselves a place in a hole, nobody can come and take away it from you simply. I have explained it in one of days to the new local trader.

This incident has occurred in 1987, before crash and how I or at someone else could have suspicions about FBI investigation on a floor. When I somehow have come to a hole in the morning, I have seen the new trader standing on our place. "You cannot stand here", - I have told to it. "Why?" - this guy has asked me.

"Because guys who stand here, stand on this place many years. And we stand here. And you - cannot".

It Weber, my clerk and the assistant in a hole many long years, has reminded me that that day I have turned to It and have told: "This guy is similar to the agent of FBI".

To tell the truth, I do not remember, whether told it. But I actually remember that this new it did not try to break any more in our numbers. After investigation has poured out in the press, I have learnt that this guy one of "federal soldiers". It was amusing to me to read Later that agents of FBI tried to trade in 8&?- it, but actions developed too promptly and too furiously. In the book "Brokers, direct-sales representatives and moles: swindle and corruption in the Chicago future markets" (Brokers, Bagmen and Moles: Fraud and Corruption in the Chicago Futures Markets) authors explain that two agents of FBI introduced on Grew dim, have started to trade in 8&?- it five months prior to crash. On "black Monday" them shook the same as also all the others, and they have incurred serious enough losses. After disappearance from a trading floor for small time they have returned, but bypassed 8&?- it. They have gone to holes of foreign currencies where rate was a bit more slowly.

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Large Weather Icons Large Weather Icons depict different weather conditions that are common for software, weather portals, and mobile gadgets. The icons are supplied in typical sizes standard to Windows, Mac OS, and mobile platforms. The largest versions are huge 512x512 pixel icons with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily available and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest quality.

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