Search V2 Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Let's look at how owners of four combinations of preferences most likely will solve this problem:
- Touch logicians (ST) most likely will apprehend that the first consignment of goods is lost and that it is not present time for tracing as a reality. Variants for them are not present: it is necessary to prepare and immediately to send the second consignment of goods so all should be late late while it will not be executed.
- Touch ethics (SF) also will write-off the first consignment of goods, having agreed that there is no sense to waste time on its searches. Having affirmed as this thought, they will interrogate all employees of the company about the one who from them is free from important issues and can be late at job, having decided to make all if nobody comes to the rescue of them.
- Intuitive ethics (NF) will consider possibility of that the first consignment of goods can be found and by that to rescue all from the efforts connected with repeated sending. They will try to organise and inspire to job the command from the colleagues that those "were put and accepted to cargo searches.
- Intuitive logicians (NT) also will try to find the first consignment of goods (as anyhow it is necessary to search for it) and will prepare simultaneously for sending the second party (as it is a unique reliable variant). Simultaneously intuitive logicians will start working out of a method of an estimation of a cargo transportation not to admit repeated occurrence of a similar situation.
Each of four approaches is quite reliable crisis measure. There is no saying, what of them most likely will crown success — everyone has on it chances. Probably, we would put on touch logicians who will find the clearest, direct and simple decision. However that their approach will most painfully strike on employees is bad, will disturb their life and, probably, will cause a maximum quantity of absence from work in the morning on Monday. Therefore it is possible to draw a conclusion that relying only on two strongest preferences, you or will lower the chances of the successful decision of a problem, or will raise chances of pushing away from yourself associates in the course of the decision.
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