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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: cool buddy icons, xp icon collection, web hosting icons, but icons xanga, favorites icons

- It is true, mum. Pitt - very dangerous person. It seemed, Judzhinija has distracted at once from the thoughts. She has thrown an amazed look on Marlenu:

- Why you so speak?

- It is possible to justify any point of view. If someone is capable to justify fast and convincingly the item it can incline everybody to everything, and it is dangerous.

- Yes, it is necessary to recognise that Dzhejnusa Pitt has such abilities.

Me has surprised that you understand it.

(It because to me only fifteen years and you still on a habit consider me as the child, Marlena has thought.)

- It is possible to learn to understand much, observing of people, - she has answered.

- Yes, certainly. But only do not forget that I have told to you. Watch itself. (For what.)

- Means, Mr. Pitt has convinced you. - It has convinced me only that no harm will exist if we a little wait.

- And even with curiosity you did not begin to study Nemezidu and its trajectory? It cannot be.

- Yes, I have tried. But it not so is simple, as you think.

The observatory is always taken, and each should wait for the turn to take advantage of devices. Even the chief cannot work on devices when to it will like. Furthermore in an observatory all know, who and that attends. All of us know, to what those or other devices and why are applied. It is very improbable, that I secretly managed to receive detailed spectra of Nemezidy and the Sun and by means of the observatorial computer to execute all necessary accounts. Besides, I suspect that under Pitt's instructions some employees of an observatory watch me. If I have infringed the promise, he would learn at once.

- But it cannot make anything to you, the truth?

- Certainly, he will not order to shoot me for change if you mean it. I do not think, that it was a limit of its dreams. But it can release me of work in an observatory and send, for example, on a farm. I would not like it. Besides, our dispute on a trajectory of Nemezidy has taken place shortly after I have informed Pitt that we have opened companion Nemezidy - a planet or a star connected with it in one system. We do not know till now precisely that this such. It and its companion divide only four million kilometres. The companion at all does not radiate visible light.

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