Good Mark Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: icon resource, windows vista desktop icons, icon disapeared, summer icons on xanga, tray icon visual basic
It is not enough to own money, it is necessary to force to work them on you.
And that it to make, you should dispose of them with mind.
Means should be applied only when it
The profit makes. Put them, start up they work on you. After all
Money-assiduous workers. If there is such possibility (and it depends
Only from you!), your savings will grow by all means, as on
Do not forget and that the money saved up by you only that and
Wait, that them have forced to work. In your interests, that
They did not lie dead cargo. Invest them in what -
- the perspective enterprise. You will not be
To put any efforts, and the money enclosed by you in it
Time will do you all more richly and more richly.
But remember, to tell to a fireplace a little: "Light!" That it
Heated, it is necessary to bring fire wood, and it is better - dry. As and with
Five rules of investments:
1. You should be the professional in business,
2. At you should be the freshest information on position
Affairs in the market.
3. You should have communications and useful acquaintances in this business.
4. You should be protected financially.
5. You should have the good instructor, which
Has earned
On this business in tens times more you.
Many say that in Russia to put up money
Risky. All remember swindle with "it" and others
Joint-stock companies. However people put and
Grow rich.
Persistent people who do not like to risk the large
Money, often open the bill in the American bank.
It is possible to make it in Russia, having put in in the Central Bank the statement,
However nobody guarantees that will be possible to receive the positive
The answer. Still there is a possibility to open the bill during the long
Stay abroad (in the course of study, treatment). In due course
The bill can be closed, and money with ease to receive through any
The Russian bank.
Now the Russian banks give higher
Annual interest rate, than foreign. In our country to investors
Provide 8-9 % annual against 5-6 % in the West. But, alas,
The majority of people still is afraid to put up money in Russian banks...
Copyright © 2006-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
Individual Ready Icons
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Business Icon Set is a collection of top- quality ready-made icons for use in software and on websites. They are delivered in a variety of formats, sizes and color schemes.
Database Icon Set brings you a variety of stylish and colorful icons for database application development. The images are available in all the typical icon sizes and file formats include BMP, ICO, PNG and GIF.
Large Home Icons set presents icons for all the kinds of houses, buildings, architectural decorations and homes you can imagine. This collection had beed professionally created to present bright colored stylish icons for any architecture or map application.
Variety of military icons from our Military Icon Set will make all your applications look more current and attractive. The graphics are delivered in PNG, ICO, GIF and BMP file formats.
To get the top quality icons for your graphics related software or design Web site, choose the Graphic Icon Set, crafted by professional designers in a variety of sizes, file formats and color schemes.