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Tags: defjam icon soundtrack, magiciso icon, expressions icons, phone web icon, abercrombie aim icons

- It seems to me, I and really clever, - have fast inserted Marlena.

- Yes, of course, but in you there was also something other though then I and could not understand that this such. Tell, it is unpleasant to you to speak on this theme?

- With you - is not present, - Marlena has answered, but in its voice vigilance was felt.

- Then explain, why you have not come to me I have not told still when have for the first time noticed, what can do what other children cannot, instead of is excluded, as adults?

- To tell the truth, once I have tried, but you did not have not enough patience me to listen. I wish to tell, you, of course, did not tell anything such, but it was visible that you are very taken and cannot distract on any children's nonsenses.

At Judzhinii eyes were approximated: - I have told, what it is children's nonsenses?

- Words you have not told, but to me were how you have looked at me and as kept thus hands enough.

- You needed to be more persevering.

- I was only the child. And you had enough also cares - both commissioner Pitt, and the father.

- All right, we will forget about it. At you is what to tell about our today's affairs still?

- Only one, - Marlena has answered. - When commissioner Pitt said that will release us, he has told it so that I have necessarily thought: it something keeps back, about something holds back.

- About what, Marlena?

- That's just the point, mum that I do not know. I am not able to read thought.

I notice only any external pieces, and on them it is possible to guess sometimes only. And nevertheless...

- What all the same?

- At me such sensation that he has not told about something very bad, maybe, even the terrible.

Certainly, preparation for flying away has taken a lot of time from Judzhinii. First, on a rotor there were many affairs which in any way could not be decided in one day. Secondly, it was necessary to settle all in astronomy department, to instruct colleagues, to nominate the first assistant temporarily fulfilling responsibilities of the main astronomer. At last, some times it was necessary to meet Pitt who was amazingly inattentive now.

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