Object Manager Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16, 512x512
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: icon bizaar, 01.05 fwpscript fwpscript icon, doll aim icon, icon library file, icons clip
- They ashmen of a human body, whether not so?
- Yes. We in the size in a bacterium, but at us a metal skin, instead of
To catch this difference and until we will not damage associates
Fabrics, they will not react to us.
The grant has tried not to pay too steadfast attention on
Separate objects and to capture all panorama as a whole. It has receded back and
Has blinked eyes.
It was dance! Each object trembled on the place. Than was less
The object, especially sharply expressed was its trembling. It was enormous,
Violent ballet in which the choreographer has gone mad, and dancers cannot
To be pulled out from embraces eternal mad it.
The grant has closed eyes.
- You feel it? I think, this Brownian motion.
- Yes, I feel it, - Ouens has answered. Is not so badly, as I
Assumed. A blood stream viscous, much more viscous, than hydrochloric
Solution in which we were, and the big viscosity extinguishes fluctuations.
The grant felt, how the ship twitches at it underfoot that in one,
That in other party, but is languid, instead of is sharp, as when they were
In a syringe. A protein which was a part of a liquid part of blood, "the protein
Plasma "(these words have emerged in the Grant head whence from subconsciousness)
Calmed the ship.
Absolutely not bad. He has felt vivacity inflow. Probably, and all
The rest will be good.
- Now I advise to all of you will come back to the places. We on an artery
Let's soon reach a brain. I am going to come nearer to one of walls.
Everything, except Ouensa, have taken seat in the armchairs, continuing to absorb greedy
Everything that they observed around.
- I think, it is simply a shame that we will have all some minutes on
All it, - has told the Bark. - doctor Djuval, and here it who such?
Group of absolutely tiny structures, bound together together and formed
Compact tubular spiral, floated by them. It followed
A little others, extending and compressed at movement.
- About, - Djuval has told, - I cannot define that this such.
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