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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: pictures icons, ebuddy icons, xanga qoutes and icons, little website icon, windows xp and icons

As I spoke above, folders it can turn out much but if you learn to systematise correctly, the quantity of folders will not have value. Will search at once either in entering, or in proceeding, either in internal, or in "rest".

"Rest" is:

1. The data on competitors.

2. The data on suppliers.

3. Offers different.

4. On your discretion.

Be not deceived by that now all of you remember. If you plan profitable business through any time you will start to forget the information used seldom. It is normal. All also does not need to be remembered. Your problem: to THINK ON A SUBSTANTIAL SCALE. But the neglect to details is capable to ruin even the most interesting and perspective project. Do not neglect them.

Well and, having received the document and if necessary having entered it into the computer, file it at once. Powers of attorney are pinned up by a stapler to waybills. Ownerless pieces of paper should not to dangle. Reports in tax inspection and in funds by mail send the registered letter with the inventory of the enclosed. It is possible to declare value symbolical it rouble or two for the enclosed document. The inventory and the cash voucher (the check it it is obligatory) file to your copies of reports and store them in a folder "Reports". The bookkeeper can file the original of the cash voucher to advance reports. Make on copies of the check filed to the report, a mark about date and number of the advance report with the original of the cash voucher of mail. If necessary quickly will find.

Except ordering and the account of documents there is still their direct movement in the organisation. It too a document circulation part. In the big organisations the control over movement of documents between departments should exist necessarily. If you have any examples of the good organisation of internal document circulation, remember them on the future.

When you will have an order in documents, it becomes easier to make the financial account. The modern program equipment considerably facilitates a problem. To process with application of the computer the data and to receive figures for the financial account simply. The most difficult in the financial account is to take from it objective conclusions. If affairs go well to receive real financial result a problem usually is not. If has put not so it that it already a question. Despite the fact that what figures cannot say lies, the result can differ from the actual. Such occurs from desire to improve indicators. For example, payment has come this month, and shipment will occur only in the following, all of us reflect this month. Or, for example, the supplier to you has shipped production in a weekend, the railway receipt is it the goods have not come yet, and you already show it in arrival. There is an increase in the commodity rests without the goods. Overestimate of turns at the expense of their account from the VAT is possible. In general, variants are possible. That it has not occurred, define to itself system of the account of the data. It should be accepted and understood all founders. Never try to improve indicators.

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