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Determinism. From their point of view, the order of causes and effects was directly
The opposite. The technics changed in reply to pressure of economic forces; and
It is impossible to explain capitalism lifting by changes of methods of manufacture -
Technologies. For Marx and Engels growth was a primary source of changes
It there were technological changes. 1973)., "Marx as a Student
of Technology ", Inside the Black Box (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, Vzljady Marx for a role
Technological changes are considered in: Nathan Rosenberg, chap. 2 in Nathan Rosenberg
In 1848 Marx and Engels connected great technological achievements
Industrial revolution not with development of a science and a human ingenuity,
Establishment - with capitalism and with bourgeoisie:
The bourgeoisie less than for hundred years of the class domination has created more
Numerous and more grandiose productive forces, than all
Preceding generations together taken. Conquest of forces of the nature, machine
Manufacture, chemistry application in the industry and agriculture, shipping company,
Railways, electric telegraph, development for agriculture of the whole parts
Light, the adaptation of the rivers for navigation, whole, as if called from under
The earths, weights of the population, - what of former centuries could suspect that
Such productive forces doze in social activities bowels! 2 it., With. 728., Compositions, K.Marx and
F.Engels, it. 23, F.Engels, with. 429. Development of representations of Marx about
Large-scale industry see: K.Marx, it. 4, Compositions and 2 it.
They attributed bourgeoisies unique predilection to encourage industrial - and
Means, and social - changes and asserted that "the bourgeoisie cannot
To exist, without calling constantly revolutions in instruments of production, not
Revolutionising, hence, relations of production, and so, and
All set of public relations. On the contrary, the first condition
Existence of all former industrial classes there was a preservation old
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