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Tags: seuss images, bara images, lorak images, hand imagesetter, portray the image
Religious, scientific and economic spheres of a life that provided with everyone
To sphere the independence, allowing to concentrate on own affairs
And to test it is much less than hindrances, than it is characteristic for any another
Societies. Improvement of management not only in economy was result, but
Also in political, religious and scientific affairs.
It is necessary to note special importance of organizational experiments. In attempts
To introduce organizational innovations it usually faces in the organisation
With well informed and rather reasonable people who react on
Adverse for them organizational changes it is inventive and resolute,
Showing thus insidiousness and even vindictiveness, - and in the same way they
React to many innovations which should turn back their benefit, on
To extreme measure, from the point of view it. Thus, organizational
The extreme unpredictability of results demanding is inherent in innovations
Experiment. For comparison: physicists, geologists and biologists work with substances,
Persistently not giving in to understanding, but after all in practice these substances do not possess
Consciousness. And it in the organisation it is opened an ingenuity hostile to it
Those who counteracts changes, and the result of its efforts is unpredictable
Simply by definition. From all kinds of human activity the organizational
Innovations less all are compatible to ideology, but here the ideological
Pressure upon experimenters appears the strongest.
All has begun with easing of the political and religious control that has made
Possible experiments in other spheres of a public life. Growth, certainly,
Is one of change forms, and it is impossible there, where changes under
Interdiction. That changes were successful, considerable freedom is necessary
Feeling of loss of the power as though they have transferred another the right to define
The society future. The overwhelming majority of societies and in the past, and now did not go
On it. They also remained beggars.
Management to following heads
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