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Poor stocks of technologies, there was no mass production, transport,

Communications and the finance - all that we connect with riches of the modern

The West. On representations of the majority of scientists, at that time Chineses and Islamic

Societies advanced the West in the technological development. At last, yet

Banks have been invented, dealers played an economic life an insignificant role, and

The manufacturing was almost not known.

The latest period when still it is possible to consider functioning of institutes

Medieval western society, XIII century, though is normal for

Italy, perhaps, it already was not so. XIV century (especially its the second

Half) was for the European society time of accidents: wars, epidemics

Plagues, the starvation periods have led to sharp reduction of the population and

To reduction of the area of the populated and processed earths. In XV century restoration, but return to medieval institutes not has begun Has occurred. The West replaced medieval institutes in economic and Political life the modern. The centralised monarchy have been established in

France, Spain, Portugal and England; in due course these countries have turned in

The modern national states. In second half of this century were The major improvements in shipbuilding are made. They have lowered Transport costs also have led to expansion inter-regional and Interstate trade, to occurrence of a class of the dealers, which receptions Were closer to modern us to samples, than to the medieval. European - have used advantages of new designs of the ships for

The organisations of the grandiose research expeditions which have resulted, in number

Other, to opening of America. That it is better to imagine a medieval society and its differences from Modern western, it is useful to mean following three moments.

+ First, the medieval economy was mainly The agricultural. For this reason we at first will consider economy Agriculture, and then we will pass to an economic life of cities.

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