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Let's consider expansion of trade and an eminence of a class of professional dealers.
Here it is necessary to notice that decline focused on stability
Feudal society has been called by innovations of that type, to reject which was
It is hard, as they mentioned military science. A core of feudalism -
Military alliance of the king and vassals, and the development of the military technology which have destroyed
Military basis of this union, has led to its disorder. In the end of XV century fighting
Possibilities of a feudal cavalry have started to decrease quickly, and the feudal castle became
It is useless as an army support. Main from these two reasons of decline of the military man
Feudalism there was the first: loss of a fighting role protected by a heavy armour
The professional army connecting infantry became a basis of fighting power
The change begun in Italy was not simple result of development fire
The weapon. First of all it was a question of efficiency of the infantry generated from
Basis of creation of new branch of manufacture in Italy). When it was found out that
To actions, than soldiers of a home guard, transition to the organisation has begun
Professional armies. William H. McNeill, 1982), pp. 73 - 77. Richard Bin (Richard Bean, "War
and the Birth of the Nation State ", The Pursuit of Power (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, it 1 (March
1973): pp. 203 - 221) - as follows states the same approach: "In 1400
Any prince could not resist to the union of barons if he did not lean on
Support of the equivalent union. In 1600 the majority of princes could firmly
To count that their standing armies will suppress any revolt, Journal of Economic History 33, if only it not
Will unite all at once "(the river 203).
If to accept that changes were an immediate cause of decline of feudalism
Military science very few people will consider as a mere coincidence, what is it the important development
Has begun in Italy which was in the lead in Europe in the field of growth of cities,
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