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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: herringbone image, hughens images, alian image, clear image marysville wa, image resource group

Doors to development of cities, and some cities have managed to receive the status practically

Independent educations, out of feudal system.

Since it centuries, in Europe process of an urbanization gradually proceeded,

Accompanied by inevitable growth of trade and lifting of a class of dealers. Improvements in the field of architecture, music, arts, literatures,

In parallel with development of cities and trade. Since the big epidemic of a plague

1347, this long period of progress has given way to century of accidents,

Sharply reduced the population. When population reduction has stopped, and Europe

It has started to be restored after that period of troubles, technological changes and

Improvements in military science have provided transition of the political power from

Feudal barons to the centralised monarchy, and feudalism has lost almost all The political value. Besides, as a result of the process, lasting two

Centuries (here and there it is more, in England and Holland it is less), the feudal rural

The economy based on an exchange of work on the earth, has given way

The population of Europe has again reached level of 1347, feudalism has given way

To new economic order in which basis barter lay any more, and

Trade for money, and the prices were defined now not according to the law and

Custom, and were established in the auction between the seller and the buyer. But it already

Chapter 3 subject.

3. Growth of trade till 1750

From the middle XV to the XVIII-th century middle there was a trade growth, and also

The invention and development of institutes, its serving. This period has ended

Just before the beginning of expansion of factory system of manufacture, to the middle

XVIII-th century. By then the West has already overcome and has started to restrict back the Islamic

The world which put pressure upon Europe since VIII century to a siege of Vienna in 1683

To year. The West by this time has already created the advanced posts in India, has destroyed

Civilisations of Aztecs and it, colonized Southern and northern Americas. More shortly

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