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Tags: access 2007 icon, white icon for, emo funny icons xanga, military love icons, haseo icon
it a finger through a shoulder has shown on a m-frog, which, As the owl, continued to look at them.
-- It?...
-- They. Space, here them there should be thousand!
Being ashamed, Bigmen should admit to itself in own
Feelings: it was almost glad that not only it, but also Varnishes not
Has resisted these beings. He has felt that not too
It is guilty. Really Varnishes has no right...
In horror of Bigmen has stayed. He tested hatred to Varnishes.
It not it. They!
It has furiously expelled all thoughts from a head and has concentrated
On Varnishes which has attended to the transmitter, preparing it for work.
And here the head of Bigmena has sharply leant back: it it is unexpected
Has heard a new and strange sound.
Voice, equal, without intonations. He has said: "do not touch yours
The system for far transfer of sounds. We do not want it ".
it has turned. Has opened a mouth and and stood. Then
Has asked: "Who it has told? Where it?"
-- Easy, Bigmen, - has answered Varnishes. - a sound at you in
To head.
-- Only not m-frogs! - in despair Bigmen has told.
-- Great Galaxy, and who else?
it has turned and has again looked in a window - on
Rain, on clouds and on a shaken m-frog.
Varnishes already penetration into the once was necessary to endure
Brain of the stranger of a being. It was in emptiness of Mars, where it
Has met non-material beings. Its brain has been opened
Before them, but another's thoughts entered without serious consequences, it even
Felt pleasant sensations. He knew that is helpless, but was
It is relieved of fear.
Now before it there was something absolutely other. Mental fingers
Violently got into its brain, and he met them with a pain,
Disgust and indignation.
The hand Varnishes was drew aside from the transmitter, and he did not test
Desires again to concern it. He has again forgotten about it.
Copyright © 2006-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
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