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Tags: change pictures to icons, glittered icons, icons in systemtray, nuforce icon reviews, message me comment me icons

And why people should show to you interest earlier, than you Show interest to them? Take a pencil and write the answer here.

If you obviously try to make impression upon people and to force Them to be interested in you, you will never have correct, sincere Friends. Friends, true friends are not got by such way.

Napoleon has tested it on itself and during the last meeting c Josephine has told: "Josephine, I was so is punished by destiny, as anybody from Living on the earth, and, nevertheless, in this hour you are a unique person in The world on which I can rely ". However, historians doubt that, Whether he could rely on it.

Dead Alfred Adler, the well-known Viennese psychologist, has written the book, Entitled "That the life" should mean for you. B he speaks to this book: "An individual who does not show interest to the colleagues - to people, Endures the greatest difficulties in a life and causes the greatest Injustice another. From circle of similar persons there are losers And bankrupts ".

You can read set of works of scientists on psychology, but not Will meet positions of more important for us c you. I do not like repetitions, But position stated by Adler, is so great on the value that It would be desirable to repeat it.x

Once I have heard at the New York university to a course of lectures o volume, How to write short stories. B a current of all course of employment c our course The editor of "Kolersa" ("Kolers" - the most popular in the USA conducted It magazine). He said us that any of a kind dozen The stories passing daily through its table, it would be possible to accept in The press but after he will read some paragraphs, to it already becomes Clearly, whether the author of people likes. "A if the author does not like people, - he has told, - People will not like its stories ".

This unshakable, worldly-wise editor, stops in twice Time of the lecture o literary skill also apologises for ee Moralizing character. "I tell you the same, - he has told, - that Your preacher speaks to you usually. Ho remember, if you wish to achieve Success in a story genre, you should take a keen interest to people ".

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