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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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When somebody came to it during "quiet time", he specified to the visitor on it, asked it, whether he can wait till 11.30, and promised to come to it at once after that term. When the solitude was especially necessary for it, he searched for a free room or an empty conference hall. Sometimes it went to city library. (One of large heads admitted to me that for "quiet time" he hid in the small cafe located in two quarters from a building of its corporation).

How to behave with fans to "communicate"

Analyzing the reasons of hindrances in the job, Mr. Bin has come to a conclusion that many people disturbed to it simply because wished to chat. The table of Mr. Bin has been located on a way to a smoking-room, and all who escaped from a hard work expecting them behind desks, saw in him of the convenient partner for "informal conversation".

Bin has rearranged the table under other corner that fans "to talk heart-to-heart" passed by it. It has cleaned the superfluous chair which was standing near its desk as has found out that two interlocutors tighten conversation and conversation the minimum lasts twenty minutes. At last, he has understood that if it will hold a head more low he can not see passing by people and not to respond them.

Mr. Bin has faced and other problem: in "quiet time" he began to feel loneliness. He has got used to dialogue with people and began to hope secretly that somebody will disturb to its lonely reflexions. Every time when phone called, it, knowing that for it a tube takes the secretary, started to deliberate, who it could address to it and that was necessary for it. Only big effort of will it overcame an impulse to lift a tube. It was difficult to it to deny assistance to all who asked it about it.

Though its secretary was able to constrain a stream of the visitors, many of its colleagues did not pay to it attention and passed to its table with words: "you have a free minute?", or, telling something like it. In such cases he usually got into conversation.

It was still difficult to Mr. Bin to speak "is not present" to any visitor. But when it has tried to refuse, to its surprise no trouble has not occurred. He has found out that the majority of those who to it disturbed, have simply got used to come to see him, but their affairs were not urgent and could be postponed. Also it was possible to postpone and satisfaction of its requirement for dialogue with people. It began to show the big hardness in character, tried to show the kind and tone that has nothing against the visitor, but insists on observance of its "quiet time". Alternation of "quiet time" and "reception hours" has helped Mr. Bin and can help also and to you.

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