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The technique of auto-suggestion allowing repeatedly to raise physical, intellectual and the mental possibility speed of reaction and many-many other, basically is very simple. It can be divided into four parts, four components conditionally: it installation definition; it occurrence in a status of emptiness and real sensation in itself of the set installation; it an exit from an emptiness status in a usual status with installation already put in subconsciousness; it in case of need installation performance spontaneous occurrence in a status it and its realisation.
If and this scheme seems to someone too long or difficult then try to understand other even more simple explanation. Self-coding is carried out in two stages. The stage the first it has told. The stage of the second it has entered into a status of emptiness and has believed. Has believed that told became true.
Installations should be extremely laconic, capacious and simultaneously bright. I repeatedly showed the elementary installation at the training seminars. The person formulates for itself the following:it My right hand is much stronger, than was before. I feel, how my right hand is poured by heavy powerful force it. Then it enters into a status of emptiness and really feels the hand as the heavy, powerful, filled force. And if before it could squeeze out on it a dynamometer of sixty kgs after the first self-coding, as a rule squeezes out eighty. In process of training of this technics and perfection in it the result progresses also. To inspire to itself as if certain muscular group became much stronger very easily. After all we usually use possibilities of the body only for fifteen percent. Self-coding, auto-suggestion you can force to realise your body to thirty percent of the potential capacity, that is twice to raise its possibilities. And not only physical, but also mental.
Carrying out self-coding, it is completely not obligatory to give itself rigid verbal installation. You can present a certain image and then in an emptiness status to experience it in yourself. At training seminars I quite often show such experiment. The person becomes directly, feet on width of shoulders. It extends before itself(himself) a hand in parallel the earth and clenches a fist. Other person, pressing from above to it on a wrist, easily lowers a hand of the first as it is very difficult for keeping strained in such position. Then the first examinee spends auto-suggestion: itMy body is the steel beam dug into the earth, and the steel rail is welded on it it my hand. I feel that my body became the steel beam dug into the earth, and my hand it the steel rail welded on itit.
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