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Orange Pin Icon

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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Professional Icon Pack for Financial Products

Business Toolbar Icons are targeted to software developers making software for customers working in the financial industry. Designed in strict accordance with all Microsoft’s guidelines, Business Toolbar Icons will make your software look well thought of and consistent throughout.

Designing applications for business customers working in the financial industry lays certain requirements on the look of the product. Financial customers expect strict, professional and consistent appearance of the product. Ordering icons for financial applications to an in-house designer or a third-party studio can easily result in a hefty bill, let alone the significant time spent on doing the specs and waiting for the icons to arrive.

Buying a set of ready-made graphics puts you in a better position, cutting your bill significantly while reducing the wait to literally zero. Stock images are immediately available, and are supplied in matching sets to provide the much needed consistent look to your application.

Business Toolbar Icons by Perfect Icon are targeted to software developers producing software for clients working in the financial industry. Designed in strict accordance with all Microsoft’s recommendations, Business Toolbar Icons will make your software look well thought of and consistent throughout.

Sharing common features and gamma, Business Toolbar Icons include more than 300 images of various items that are likely to appear in a general financial software. The collection of financial icons includes images such as Shopping Cart icon, Sale icon, Handbags icon, Store icons, Accounting icons, Finance icons, Ship icons, Purchase icon, Goods icon, Bag icon, Investment icon, Money icon, a number of financial icons, and Report icons among hundreds of other icons. A variety of currencies is also presented, including icons for Dollar, Euro, Pound Sterling, and Yen in notes and coinage. Means of payments such as debit cards and credit cards, checks and cash are also presented.

A single order will deliver all three hundred graphics in a number of file formats, color resolutions, pixel dimensions and image styles. Resolutions of 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, and 48x48 pixels are provided. All graphics are provided in 256 colors and as True Color images with alpha-channel. All images come in ICO, PNG, GIF, and BMP file formats. The financial icon set is a sweat deal for application developers looking for a bargain.

Business Toolbar Icons are available for instant preview and immediate ordering at

Professional Button Glyph Collections

Individual Ready Icons

You can buy individual icons to suit your needs. Each icon is $1 when purchased individually.

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Download Windows Toolbar Icons

Financial Icon Library for Vista Vista Financial Icon Library is a set of money and shopping related icons in Windows Vista style. The set is distributed as PNG, GIF, ICO and BMP file formats.

Large Weather Icons Large Weather Icons represent different weather conditions that are common for software, weather portals, and mobile gadgets. The icons arprovided in all sizes standard to Windows, Mac OS, and other systems. The biggest versions are huge 512x512 pixel icons with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily affordable and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest quality.

Classic Hardware Icon Set Hardware Icon Set is a library of hardware related images, distributed in GIF, PNG, ICO and BMP formats and 16x16, 24x24 and 32x32 sizes. The library contains both 32-bit and 256-color icons.

Perfect Business Icons Refine your financial or business- related application with instantly available quality Perfect Business Icons. Over two hundred of professionally designed and carefully crafted icons are provided.

Toolbar Icon Set Toolbar Icon Set is a pack of royalty-free stock icons to be used in commercial and personal programs and websites. A variety of formats and sizes is available.