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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Designing Standard Tab and Menu Icons for Android

When developing mobile apps or designing graphics for Android apps, one must follow certain guidelines. Re-using images designed for different systems, especially desktop-based, is generally not a good idea. Foreign icons will look weird at best, or will render your Android apps hardly recognizable at worst.

Producing Tab and Menu Icons for Android Description: When developing Android apps or designing graphics for Android apps, one must conform to srict guidelines. Re-using graphics made for different operating systems, especially desktop-based, is not a good idea. Foreign icons will look weird at best, or will render your Android apps hardly recognizable at worst. Body: There are precise guidelines published in reference to Android icons. Different design guidelines are available for tab icons and menu icons.

Android Icons for Navigation Tab Bars

Tab icons are drawn in individual tabs in tabbed UI. Tab icons must be supplied in two distinct states: selected and unselected. It is required that tab icons are created as simple, flat shapes as opposed to graphics shown in 3D or isometric projection.

Android OS and Android apps can run on a wide range of different platforms employing a wide range of hardware. In connection to icon graphics, those devices can have different screen sizes, screen resolutions, pixel density and dimensions. To accommodate the variety of screens, Android developers should provide all tab icons used in their apps in at least three resolutions to be displayed on low, medium, and high density screens. Resolution-wise, the outer boundaries for the three sizes are defined as 24x24, 32x32, and 48x48 pixels. Inner dimensions should not exceed 22x22, 28x28, and 42x42 pixels respectively. By supplying all three standard resolutions, designers can ensure that their apps will be shown properly on a variety of platforms running the Android OS.

Menu icons are drawn in the "options" menu, and are displayed to users when they press the Menu button. Similar to tab icons, menu icons are specified as flat, grayscale images. Like tab icons, developers cannot use 3D or isometric projections.

Pixel resolutions for menu icons are defined in a slightly more complex way compared to tab icons. Instead of two resolutions described for tab icons (inner shape and boundary box), the inner shape of menu icons can be smaller or larger depending on their shape. If a menu icon is square-shaped, its size should be smaller than for icons shaped otherwise. The reason for specifying two different size limits is to establish a consistent visual weight across the two icon types.

The outer dimensions for low, medium, and high resolution icons are defined as 36x36, 48x48, and 72x72 pixels respectively. Inner shapes for square, low-definition icons should be 22x22 pixels, while non-square icons should fit into a boundary box sized 24x24 dots. Similarly, medium-definition icons should fit 30x30 and 32x32 pixel boundaries, while high-definition images should fit into 44x44 and 48x48 pixel boxes respectively.

Instead of drawing your own images conforming to these guidelines, Android developers have an option of ordering ready-made images from professional designers. As an example, Android Tab Icons by Aha-Soft include 112 unique tab graphics in selected and unselected states and all standard sizes. If an additional size is needed, developers can render graphics at any size by opening scalable vector sources. Android Tab Icons can be viewed and downloaded at http://www.aha-soft.com/stock-icons/android-tab-icons.htm.

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